Faculty Search Advisors
Office of Equal Opportunity Programs
Guidelines and Procedures For Faculty Appointments, Promotions and Terminations
The Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty facilitates every stage of a faculty member's life at Penn, from appointment through post-retirement.
As Faculty Search Advisors, you play an important role in monitoring compliance with and disseminating information about Penn's policies and procedures. Together, we can help ensure that search, selection and other employment activities fulfill the letter and spirit of the University's commitment to equal employment opportunity.
Faculty Search Advisors Responsibilities
In each of the University's twelve Schools, one or more Faculty Search Advisors are selected by the Dean to monitor equal opportunity compliance in the faculty appointment and promotion process within the School. These officers are tenured or senior clinician-educator faculty member(s) who hold no administrative position.
Each fall the Dean will forward the name(s) of the Faculty Search Advisor to the Associate Provost and the Office of Equal Opportunity Programs by September 15. The Faculty Search Advisor may be given released time from some other duties in order to serve in this capacity.
Responsibilities include:
- Providing equal opportunity information to Department Chairs, the Chairs of search committees, and individual faculty members;
- Consulting at a very early stage in the process with search committees and Department Chairs on equal opportunity policies, the placement and wording of advertisements, the wording of letters soliciting candidates and requesting evaluations, and special efforts to contact women's and minority organizations;
- Reviewing all faculty equal opportunity compliance forms for the School;
- Periodically reviewing availability data with the Deans and Department Chairs.
In the faculty appointment and promotion process, substantive decisions on academic merit and staffing needs are the responsibility of the faculty of the appointing Department, the School personnel committee, the Deans and the Provost. If the Faculty Search Advisor perceives a problem with the procedures proposed for a faculty search or in reviewing the equal opportunity compliance form and accompanying documentation, the Faculty Search Advisor should first attempt to address these issues with the participating faculty members.
If, after consulting with the participating faculty members, the Faculty Search Advisor continues to believe that an issue exists, the Faculty Search Advisor shall notify the Department Chair or the Dean immediately. If the problem is not resolved readily by the provision of further documentation or explanations on the part of the Department Chair, the Dean should mediate and assist in the matter and the problem should be brought to the attention of the Associate Provost.
Useful information pertaining to faculty.
Information to provide guidance regarding your responsibilities, compliance procedures, search and selection processes for faculty.
Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty.
Workplace Poster Requirements
Government regulations mandate the display of certain posters in areas where a majority of employees tend to congregate. The Office of Equal Opportunity Programs (OEOP) maintains display cases on the main campus and hospitals, ensuring that these posters are kept current.
If you have posters in your area or need additional posters and need assistance on how to keep them current in accordance with regulatory requirements, please contact the OEOP at (215) 898-6993, or email us at oeop@pobox.upenn.edu.
Go to HR Quick Links for Federal and State Workplace Posters (Login Required)
Additional Links for Faculty Search Advisors
Guidelines and Procedures For Faculty Appointments, Promotions and Terminations
Faculty Search Advisors
Faculty Search Information