Parking and Penn Access Transit (PAT)

Penn Access Transit (PAT) is operated by Transportation and Parking in the Division of Business Services. PAT is available to members of the University's community with mobility and visual disabilities or those with limitations due to pregnancy, childbirth, or pregnancy-related conditions. For additional information, please see the Procedure for Penn Accessible Transit.

Requesting PAT Services 

The Office of Equal Opportunity Programs authorizes the use of PAT by faculty, staff and visitors to the campus. Faculty and Staff must complete the Penn Access Transit Request Form (PDF) and may be required to provide medical documentation to support the request Penn Access Transit Medical Authorization Form (PDF). Requests may be e-mailed ( or faxed to the office at (215) 746-7088. If your request for the Penn Access Transit is granted, please print and follow the guidelines below.

Penn Access Transit Request Form (PDF)  Penn Access Transit Medical Authorization Form (PDF) 
PAT Guidelines (PDF)   Visit Transportation and Parking in the Division of Business Services.

Requesting Reasonable Accommodations for Parking

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), employers are required to provide reasonable accommodations to employees with disabilities, which can include modifications related to parking. The specifics of these accommodations can vary based on whether the employer provides parking for other employees. Requests may be e-mailed ( or faxed to the office at (215) 746-7088. Faculty and Staff must complete the Reasonable Accommodation Request Form (PDF) and may be required to provide medical documentation to support the request Reasonable Accommodation Medical Authorization Request Form (PDF).

Reasonable Accommodation Request Form (PDF)  
Reasonable Accommodation Medical Authorization Form (PDF / for medical provider)